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Save-A-Pet's life through Blood Collection
If a dog or cat needs blood following an accident, or during life saving treatment, where does this life saving blood come from? The answer - The charity, Pet Blood Bank, who supply virtually every veterinary practice across the UK with stocks of blood and plasma, which they provide at no profit to vets, to help make treatments more affordable. (*) Collection of blood involves travelling around the country, using the services of vets, laboratories & onsite testing, collecting equipment, transporting and preservation of blood by freezing, to help save those valuable pet lives. Each donation can produce 4 small packs of blood, in the ideal size to help with surgery. It costs around £100 to collect each pack of blood from donor dogs which is used to help save a pet's life. Every vet needs to have access to this stock, by either keeping it on site, or having rapid access to it from a nearby 'stockist'. We don't spend much on marketing to raise awareness, so we can spend the money we receive on helping collect blood. Help be our voice!   How you can help us: Tell others about where pet blood comes from, and the good work we do. Help us raise awareness to prospective blood donors, which in turn creates the donations Help us raise funds, to help save pet lives across the UK (*) Vets receive the blood packet for the cost it takes to collect them, on the condition that the vets do not charge the customer any more for the blood. This helps ensure that life saving treatments do not become prohibitive, & injured animals can get the treatment they need.

If a dog or cat needs blood following an accident, or during life saving trea...

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(SAMPLE) - Help for Homeless - Campaign for Bob Swansea
This is a sample Campaign to demonstrate how the Aurora donation platform works. Any donations made here will be used to support homeless charities that are clear on how they will make a difference. Aurora works with various homeless organisations to use any donations made to support positive change. Bob Swansea wasn't born homeless. After his marriage fell apart in 2016, Bob moved out, leaving his wife and children in the marital home. As with many newly separated men, his car became his home, for what he hoped would be just a very short time. Unfortunately he has never managed to get a roof over his head since. Losing his job, and with no fixed abode, finding new work as a retail manager became difficult. Not wanting to be too far away from his children, yet unable to care for them overnight, Bob's challenges truly begun. Without his children, Bob's interest in life, and enthusiasm slowly drifted away. Without any income, no savings, and no fixed abode, he soon discovered he had fallen down the cracks, and became a 'non person'. As so many discover, there seemed to be no way to receive a government helping hand, by no longer having an address. Help for Homeless found Bob on the streets 1 year ago, with no car, no posessions, and little more than a crumpled, and heavily worn photograph of his 2 children, tucked inside his shirt pocket for safe keeping. "On the streets, the daily need to buy razors and shave came second to finding enough food, and so I soon grew a beard. Perhaps it acts as a good disguise from former workers who I've seen walk past me, and might be embarassed to see how far I'd fallen. But with the help of Help for Homeless, I'm determined to be back on my feet by this Christmas, so I'll start 2021 in a new home". Bob, also hopes to find work, and on visits to our Help for Homeless offices, has taken the opportunity to learn more about Excel, using our range of online courses. Bob has demonstrated just how well he has got to grips with Office, and is even learning about CRM tools for managing contacts, to aid finding a permanent role in a retail office. When he can walk tall again, he hopes to spend more time rebuilding his relationship with his children. "When I'm back on my feet, I know I can do well in an office environment, with my retail and staff supervisor skills to call upon" Every donation matters, to help Bob to recover. Each day, he needs £15 for food and hostel lodgings, and intends to save up £2,500 for a 2 month deposit on a shared flat, and 2 months advanced rent, with £500 of savings to use on food, bills, and any commuting costs to the work he hopes to find. As of October 2019, Bob has saved up £425, through the generosity of passers by. Bob thanks you for your help towards his £2,500 savings target. Read about his blog - Click here

This is a sample Campaign to demonstrate how the Aurora donation platform wor...

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Find-A-Home Cufflink Campaign
Why would anyone choose to be homeless? For many, homelessness was the 'only' choice to escpae abuse, and seen as a far better alternative compared to remaining. Abuse comes in many forms, and some of these can only be escaped by escape. But as many homeless people know, that choice can soon became a trap. Homelessness is not simply living in a cardboard box under a bridge, or in a tent in the woods. It's the inability to get help, because of not having an address that can be used. Once categorised as homeless, the lack of having an official address means that getting help and support, including simple medical assistance, can become impossible. Not having a formal address means not being able to have a job because of not having a registered tax address. Not having an address means not being able to receive any benefits in order to help to get back on your feet. Not having an official place to live makes a person become a 'non-person', falling between the cracks. The longer the person remains in that place, the more complications are then created. It's not simply a case of getting a job, when you become the untouchable, and getting back into the system to being recognised again is a far harder struggle than it should be. All of this makes it difficult to even know how many people are homeless, whether living rough, or simply sofa surfing, as people disappear from the system, with no easy way back. It is true that some seek solice in many forms, trying to escape from the homeless life that itself was chosen as an escape. Digging your way out of a hole is often not an option, and almost impossible to do alone. Recovering from being homeless is more than just having a roof over our head, but about being able to support keeping a roof, and to then be able to contribute to society in a productive and meaningful way. This campaign, works with to take money from the sales of all donated 'lonely cufflinks', either when sold individually, or if paired up with other matching or complimentary ones, and turn it into money to support the promises we make. Homelessness if often not a choice. Standing on your own two feet is difficult if you feel you're being constantly knocked over, and dragged down.   Working with local registered Homeless Charities, and using special access to Charity Collector ICE cards, ICE medical ID bracelets, and other ICE tags from ICE, this Aurora campaign focuses on helping people get back on their feet and stay there. (For anyone wishing to make any cash donations, these should be made to the Charities we work with directly. For those wishing to donate cufflinks, please visit to see how they are collecting and gathering cufflinks).   To understand our Promises: How a Charity Collection Card Works: Someone walks up to you on the street and asks you for money. Do you give it to them? Do you say no, worried about what they may use it for, or are concerned that simply giving them money will just prolonge their homeless crisis, or even make them a target. Giving them a lunch (remembering that many locations already provide free food to homeless in need) is of little help to helping them get off the streets, & recover long term. Now imagine that they collected on behalf of a screened homeless charity, with all that money collected is allocated to help them get off the streets under the watchful eye of their case worker (makin sure that the money is secure, and allocated to their recovery) They could each build a personal recovery plan, focused on money to get a home, get a job, and get into a position of social contribution. They could use it to connect with people, explaining their individual situation, and just how donations can help them get back on their feet for good. Under the watchful eye of a charity, they can ethically spread the word, collect donations, or even offer charity merchandise. The point is that collection cards help people connect and engage, without the guilt and emotional pressure that is employed by too many less-ethical charities.   How a Case Worker allocation works: People who learn about a individual's struggle are more likely to do something about it. Donate. Spread the word. Maybe even try to find ways to contribute. Funds received can be allocated to a deposit fund, to a clothing fund, to a re-training fund, or any aspect of recovery to be considered. With sufficient funds and the right support, the recovery plan can be initiated, with a strong chance of success. The secret to success here, is a supportive case-worker.   How Medical ID smartbands & cards work: Aurora's SmartBands and SmartCards are designed to offer assistance in a variety of ways. When scanned, the location, time and date is recorded, providing a valuable insight into how and where the carrier is, perhaps even if they need help or simply checked on. For more details on ICE products, visit     How you can help: 1. Donate us odd cufflinks - We take odd cufflinks and try to make pairs. They aren't always perfect matches, but make a great set. The sale of these creates money which can be used to support worthwhile causes. (Visit to find out how to donate any cufflinks) 2. Help spread the word. Being homeless is the result of bad choices, often to escape worse situations. Anyone can become homeless in the wrong conditions, and escape from the vicious circle of homelessness is not as easy as it should be. 3. Help support homeless people, and follow them on their journey. Maybe you could help them in ways you've never thought of. 4. Donate to causes that are transparent about exactly how they will help. Homeless people need help in both the short and long term, to help them stay healthy & alive, and to help them recover by getting an address, employment, and the opportunity to become a contributing member of society.

Why would anyone choose to be homeless? For many, homelessness was the 'only'...

Help Joost and Roos to treat vertigo sufferers, and introduce them to a new l...

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Red Rebel Day - War on Period Poverty
The Gift Wellness Foundation is coming together with communities all over the UK to eliminate period poverty. #RedRebelDay aims to raise £100,000 to be able to distribute 600,000 menstrual pads - supplying over 12,000 needy women and girls with at least 6 month’s supply of product. Our mission is to provide menstrual products to women in crisis: women who are homeless, or living on low incomes, dependent on food banks and shelters, as well as refugees and girls in poor regions of the world who are prevented from education due to menstruation. So far we’ve donated around 6.2 million pads, but we need to do much more! During the Covid-19 pandemic, the demand from charities in the UK has more than doubled. Homeless women: The pandemic has been particularly hard on the homeless, especially on homeless women. Often homeless women have a dilemma whilst on their periods – to eat or to have sanitary protection. We supply homeless charities all over Britain with menstrual products. Foodbanks: The number of foodbanks in the UK have more than doubled during the pandemic. We’re inundated with pleas from foodbanks from all over the country, on which people who have lost their jobs are heavily dependent. Carol from Nottingham said, “Since losing my job because of the Covid, I’ve had no choice but to use the foodbank. When I can’t afford enough food for my kids, I certainly can’t buy sanitary products for myself?” Women’s shelters: As well as unemployment or low-income causing period poverty, there has been a steep rise in violent abuse towards women, resulting in women’s shelters becoming oversubscribed and finding it difficult to provide the essentials that their service users need.   They contact us through our website in desperate need of menstrual products. We cannot stand by and let this continue, will YOU? Our goal is to eliminate period poverty in Britain’s most deprived communities by 2025. It is a mammoth task, and one which will only be possible with your support.

The Gift Wellness Foundation is coming together with communities all over the...

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