Privacy Policy
We believe in Privacy. Not just because of the GDPR (Global Data Protection Regulations) and PII (Personal Identifiable Information) regulations, but also because we see it as your choice with whom you share your personal information. If you require more information on how we maintain our GDPR compliance, please contact us.
As a result, each user will not be asked to provide personally identifiable information in order to register an use the platform, which is another reason why donations are only ever to be made to registered and screened charities, and never paid to individuals.
However, some of the limited information we collect (after being suitably anonymised to avoid possible change of recognition), may be of use to others, such as good causes, or local businesses, either for their own market research, to help tailor marketing campaigns, or to use in some other shape and form to help the community.
We won't share personal information, because we don't collect any! But if we do generate any money by the sale of anonymous untraceable data, we will we update the donation pot accordingly, allowing us to further help good causes.
We have very strict sharing rules, top level data security, and a highly experienced technical team. We recognise that reputation is everything, and we will do our best never to compromise yours.
Shopping Privacy:
Users who register and make purchases via our partner webshop, however will be required to register separately, essential to the purchase process.
All purchases will be validated in a variety of ways to help protect both cardholders and merchants. We do not store your credit card information, but will link any purchases to the payment transaction held by the various payment processing and screening providers that are involved in the transaction
You can remove your profile at any time from either the webshop or the Aurora platform, To do this, simply visit your account section & click to remove your account. Once deleted, it cannot be reversed.