Aims and Promises:
Why would anyone choose to be homeless? For many, homelessness was the 'only' choice to escpae abuse, and seen as a far better alternative compared to remaining.
Abuse comes in many forms, and some of these can only be escaped by escape.
But as many homeless people know, that choice can soon became a trap.
Homelessness is not simply living in a cardboard box under a bridge, or in a tent in the woods. It's the inability to get help, because of not having an address that can be used.
Once categorised as homeless, the lack of having an official address means that getting help and support, including simple medical assistance, can become impossible. Not having a formal address means not being able to have a job because of not having a registered tax address. Not having an address means not being able to receive any benefits in order to help to get back on your feet. Not having an official place to live makes a person become a 'non-person', falling between the cracks. The longer the person remains in that place, the more complications are then created. It's not simply a case of getting a job, when you become the untouchable, and getting back into the system to being recognised again is a far harder struggle than it should be. All of this makes it difficult to even know how many people are homeless, whether living rough, or simply sofa surfing, as people disappear from the system, with no easy way back.
It is true that some seek solice in many forms, trying to escape from the homeless life that itself was chosen as an escape. Digging your way out of a hole is often not an option, and almost impossible to do alone.
Recovering from being homeless is more than just having a roof over our head, but about being able to support keeping a roof, and to then be able to contribute to society in a productive and meaningful way.
This campaign, works with to take money from the sales of all donated 'lonely cufflinks', either when sold individually, or if paired up with other matching or complimentary ones, and turn it into money to support the promises we make.
Homelessness if often not a choice. Standing on your own two feet is difficult if you feel you're being constantly knocked over, and dragged down.
Working with local registered Homeless Charities, and using special access to Charity Collector ICE cards, ICE medical ID bracelets, and other ICE tags from ICE, this Aurora campaign focuses on helping people get back on their feet and stay there.
(For anyone wishing to make any cash donations, these should be made to the Charities we work with directly. For those wishing to donate cufflinks, please visit to see how they are collecting and gathering cufflinks).
To understand our Promises:
How a Charity Collection Card Works:
Someone walks up to you on the street and asks you for money. Do you give it to them? Do you say no, worried about what they may use it for, or are concerned that simply giving them money will just prolonge their homeless crisis, or even make them a target.
Giving them a lunch (remembering that many locations already provide free food to homeless in need) is of little help to helping them get off the streets, & recover long term.
Now imagine that they collected on behalf of a screened homeless charity, with all that money collected is allocated to help them get off the streets under the watchful eye of their case worker (makin sure that the money is secure, and allocated to their recovery)
They could each build a personal recovery plan, focused on money to get a home, get a job, and get into a position of social contribution. They could use it to connect with people, explaining their individual situation, and just how donations can help them get back on their feet for good.
Under the watchful eye of a charity, they can ethically spread the word, collect donations, or even offer charity merchandise. The point is that collection cards help people connect and engage, without the guilt and emotional pressure that is employed by too many less-ethical charities.
How a Case Worker allocation works:
People who learn about a individual's struggle are more likely to do something about it. Donate. Spread the word. Maybe even try to find ways to contribute. Funds received can be allocated to a deposit fund, to a clothing fund, to a re-training fund, or any aspect of recovery to be considered. With sufficient funds and the right support, the recovery plan can be initiated, with a strong chance of success. The secret to success here, is a supportive case-worker.
How Medical ID smartbands & cards work:
Aurora's SmartBands and SmartCards are designed to offer assistance in a variety of ways. When scanned, the location, time and date is recorded, providing a valuable insight into how and where the carrier is, perhaps even if they need help or simply checked on. For more details on ICE products, visit
How you can help:
1. Donate us odd cufflinks - We take odd cufflinks and try to make pairs. They aren't always perfect matches, but make a great set. The sale of these creates money which can be used to support worthwhile causes. (Visit to find out how to donate any cufflinks)
2. Help spread the word. Being homeless is the result of bad choices, often to escape worse situations. Anyone can become homeless in the wrong conditions, and escape from the vicious circle of homelessness is not as easy as it should be.
3. Help support homeless people, and follow them on their journey. Maybe you could help them in ways you've never thought of.
4. Donate to causes that are transparent about exactly how they will help. Homeless people need help in both the short and long term, to help them stay healthy & alive, and to help them recover by getting an address, employment, and the opportunity to become a contributing member of society.