This contains a few of the most frequently asked questions. If you have a question related to the Aurora platform, not covered below, please contact us.
Also see our Glossary below to help explain some of the terms we use.
Tag Registration:
Q - How do I register my tag?
A. Tag Registration is a 3 step process. 1. Create an Account. 2. Verify your email address 3. Scan tag and add tag to your account.
Q. I've tried to register but am not getting a verification link.
A. When you first register on Aurora, you will need to verify the link in your email. If you cannot find it, please check your junk/spam folder. If you still cannot find it, please contact us via the contact us page.
Q - What is the quickest way to list my business
A - Visit the page https://Aurora.Enterprises/link/add - This was designed to be the simplest, quickest & easiest way to get your business added. It only takes a few minutes to add yourself, so do it today!
Q - What is the quickest way to list my charity, non-profit or club
A - Visit the page https://Aurora.Enterprises/link/add - This was designed to be the simplest, quickest & easiest way to get your charity added. Charities, non-profits, & clubs are clearly identified. It only takes a few minutes to add yourself, so do it today!
Q - What is the quickest way to list my campaigns
A - Once your cause is listed and approved, you can then add individual campaigns.
Deals & Donations:
Q - I made a purchase through one of your deal partners a few minutes ago, but it is not showing in my balance to donate
A - Unfortunately, the tracking of donations can take time, as it relies upon the partner recognising the purchase, who made the purchase, the amounts involved and so much more. Once we receive confirmation from them, we can add it to your account. You will also be notified by email.
Q - What is the difference between reserving a donation and making a donation?
A - When you use your donation balance, it first has to be reserved against a charity's campaign. Then, once you decide that the reserved balance is high enough, you complete the donation process, giving us permission to then send that donation to the charity. The 'reservation' is a middle step. Think of it like a 'piggy bank' or 'collecting jar' where you are holding the donation until you are ready to make your donation.
Q - I Have reserved a balance in a charity's "campaign pot", but I cannot get it back out.
A - Once you reserve money for a charity, it is a one-way street, like a savings account. It can be sent at any time, but you can continue to build it up in the meanwhile.
Q - Why bother reserving?
A - Even though they can't access it, a charity can log in and see just how much has been reserved, giving them a better idea of how successful their campaign has been.
Q - Can I donate without reserving?
A - At present, no. We are hoping that people will monitor their favourite campaigns and continually reserve donation’s for what matter to them at that moment, . Our Shop-Earn-Donate is more accurately a 4 step donation process.... Shop....Receive....Reserve....Donate.
Q - Can I provide Gift Aid?
A - Due to the fact that the donations are generated before any tax has been applied, there is no tax to reclaim, so Gift Aid does not apply. We are though constantly looking at ways to maximise how much we can donate to worthy causes.
Q - So you do not want my Gift Aid details?
A - At present, no. We have no current intentions whatsoever to request any personal information from you, other than your email address.
Q - Can I donate directly to a charity?
A - We can help put you in touch with the charity to help you make any donations directly, but we don't actually get involved in this process, other than to simply introduce you. Personal direct donations can benefit from Gift-Aid tax relief, so having your UK tax information will help you generate even more for your cause.
Q - Why is a donation 'pending'? Can I not just reserve/allocate it to a charity?
A - No. Until the actual donation is received, the transaction could be reversed. We know that the pending process can take some time and are looking at ways of speeding this up.
Q - Can I track my donations?
A - Yes. You can see your donations in your 'My Account' section on the Aurora Portal
Q - I would like to work with you to sell my goods through you. How can we do this?
A - The first step is to sign up as a business (retailer/partner/merchant). Once approved, you will be able to add deals, for the community to be able to purchase.
Campaign - A cause may have several mission. For example a Charity 'Save the Penguin' may be trying to save Rockhopper Penguins, Emperor Penguins, Adelaide Penguins, or a number of other species. From a fundraising perspective, and to be able to help qualify results/benefits, campaigns are created so that people can donate to a campaign they believe in, rather than 'just' to a charity.
Charity - A charitable cause. Although sometimes used as a general term for any registered chariy, non-profit, or even a registered club, when the term charity is used, it usually references a Registered Charity, regulated by a body such as the Charities Commission or OSCR.
Partner - Terms used to refer to any business registered on the portal. Also called a merchant or a retailer.