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(SAMPLE) Help for Homeless (Demo Charity)
This is a Sample Cause. This Charity focuses on helping anyone who becomes homeless to create and instigate a bespoke recovery plan. When a homeless person asks you for money, you normally tap your pockets, shrug, and tell them you're not carrying any change on you. Even though a voice inside you may tell you how you could have done more, as you walk on, knowing you did all you could at that moment. Perhaps you're even feeling proud, not to bow down to guilt, glad that you're not fueling an addiction to drugs and alcohol by giving them money, or even that you don't want to encourage endless begging. Help for Homeless works in a different way. Take a person on the streets, whether there through bad luck or circumstance. Without a home, they cannot get employment. Without employment they cannot earn. Without earning, they have no legal way to support themselves, other than turning to the public for money, requests for food, or seeking charity in whatever form they can. Begging on the street may yield just a few pounds of loose change. Too little, and there is barely enough to survive. Too much, and there may be temptation to spend it. With Help for Homeless, each person becomes their own campaigner, helped to create a viable recovery plan. Donations are collected by the charity, in a separate 'pot' for each person. Money from collections is split into day-to-day money for living, and longer term money for saving, helping the homeless person to become self-sufficient again, finding work, a home, and building a future. With the aid of Aurora's technology, each homeless person is giving a unique collection card. The public can make scan this card, using NFC or QR technology, or even search the website, and then learn about the homeless person: find out how they got to be where they are; find out what their plans are to recover, learn about their skills, and prospects, and see how well they are doing on their recovery plan, to build up a deposit for renting somewhere, finding a job, and becoming a contributing member of society again, in ways to be truly proud of. Each campaign is dedicated to each homeless person's plight to recover. Each day, from the money collected, the average person will spend just £4 daily on food and water, with another £11 on hostel fees. Almost everything else will go into their recovery plan, covering days when their needs are not met, or slowly building towards their target for financial independence. On their birthday, Christmas, and on other special days (such as their children's birthday), they will be allocated a small amount to spend on presents, or treats, but are advised to avoid spending on anything else. In order to increase savings, we also positively discourage spending on alcohol and try to help them reduce any dependency on cigarettes. An allowance for this is available, but is carefully controlled, with help provided to get them free from addiction of any sort. As a charity, we also have to generate our own outgoings, such as paying (albieit minimum) for a photoshoot, smart technology, administration costs, accountant, and any staff. This all requires donations. We do not take a penny from the money donated to a homeless campaign, but do benefit from nominal interest that the money generates. Therefore, we rely upon government grants and incentives, coupled with separate donations, as well as revenue we attempt to make, created by selling our unique products, many of which are contributed by the amazing talent within our homeless communities that we work to help, and by our volunteers and some amazing donors. So if you meet one of our homeless campaigner, why not scan their card, read their story, follow their blog, and see just how effective their fully transparent recovery plan is. Read about the opportunities they are given, and how they are embracing these. Help them to truly help themselves, on a road to recovery. (Remember this charity is not real, but Aurora is planning to work with numerous Homeless Charities, and help them get people off the streets, and onto a road to be proud of, using the above business model)

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