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The Children's Society Fund
About The Children's Society Fund

The Objects Of The Charity ('objects') For The Public Benefit Are To Care For And Support Children And Young People In Need, Whether Material, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual Or Otherwise, Including By: 3.1 Promoting Their Health, Education, D000

Registered Charity No: 221124
Registered Business No: 40004
Registered Address: Edward Rudolf House, Margery Street, London, WC1X 0JL

Aims and Promises:

Central Campaign for The Children's Society Fund
Campaign Aim - The Objects Of The Charity ('objects') For The Public Benefit Are To Care For And Support Children And Young People In Need, Whether Material, Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual Or Otherwise, Including By: 3.1 Promoting Their Health, Education, D000
No promises have been made yet.

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Central Campaign for The Children's Society Fund

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